Tag Archives: gentle

Teaching VS Practicing


All the words in the world could not overpower your actions when teaching your kids. If you want you children to be kind then you must be kind. You cannot tell them to be gentle and forget to be gentle as well. I’ve noticed this in my own children. I don’t always speak as kindly as I need to and I’ve witnessed my daughter mimicking my tone almost perfectly. I have to push every day to be an example of what I would want for my children. It’s hard, most of the time, but I know God’s grace is sufficient to do that work in me. It’s my goal to seek Christ for gentleness, mercy, kindness, compassion, long suffering, and hopefulness. I want them to be generous, helpful, careful, meek, and humble. But if they are going to have any chance at that then I must be those things first. Motherhood is a difficult task, but it is one that has a great reward. <3